I ran 'stegcracker.sh' using the rockyou wordlist and got a result in seconds: $ stegcracker.sh NC3.jpg /wordlists/rockyou.txt > Successfully cracked file with password: password1 > Your file has been written to: NC3.jpg.out Looking at 'NC3.jpg.out' it contains a lot of base64 encoded content: $ base64 -d NC3.jpg.out > NC3.b64decoded Now it contains some morse encoded stuff. Decoding this is easy, but then you get something with only 3 symbols: `.!?` This could look like some exotic language (think Brainfuck). Looking at some languages this seems to be a modified "Ook". Decrypting gives: Ri tobrh tzoush: BQ3{goo_gboyysf_jw_goaas_gdfcu} It's not ROT13, but using 'CyberChef' its easy to find that its ROT-12: Du fandt flaget: NC3{saa_snakker_vi_samme_sprog}