$ nc verifier-01.play.midnightsunctf.se 31337 Hello! Welcome to the message signature service. Here you can get messages signed and signatures verified. We even have a bug bounty program to prove how secure we are. 1. Sign message 2. Verify signature 3. Get flag 4. Exit > 1 Please input a message that you want to be signed. message> please_give_me_the_flag Signature: f59f260940c9c13d255c81a08769e314ac399d26678bf700ee4620406b254fc95b949d264508d139721ebd749b52ce09 1. Sign message 2. Verify signature 3. Get flag 4. Exit > 3 Welcome to the bug bounty program for this service. No one will ever be able to forge a valid signature. To prove this, if you can manage to provide a valid signature for the message "please_give_me_the_flag" I will give you a treat. signature> f59f260940c9c13d255c81a08769e314ac399d26678bf700ee4620406b254fc95b949d264508d139721ebd749b52ce09 Signature valid: midnight{number_used_once_or_twice_or_more} Note: challenge was clearly broken - therefore "verifier2" added